Petition: GOREC Adverse Impacts on the Forest Lakes Area
The Traverse City Rotary-backed GOREC, or Greilick Outdoor Recreation & Education Center, is currently applying for special ordinance trumping powers via a Planned Unit Development (PUD) application. Their expanded use requests include, but are not limited to, the creation of an event center that would allow for:
- 30 large-sized special events with up to 500 guests each, including 12 summer weddings, each with up to 300 guests. In addition to weddings, these events would include races, retreats, reunions, graduations, ceremonies, and celebrations.
- 50 mid-sized, year-round events, with up to 100 guests for similar event types.
- A full campground with over 300 guests and potential capacity of over 600.
- With shuttles, buses, and trolleys shuttling these many thousands of guests around.
- And 60 public boats launching on Rennie Lake on any given day, all carrying the risk of dangerously irreversible aquatic invasive species to our Forest Lakes.